Florida League of Cities

Constitutional Amendments Proposed by Initiative (Watch)

CS/HB 7037 (Judiciary Committee) and SB 1794 (Rader) strengthen the requirements and processes for amending the Florida constitution by petition. The legislation creates additional requirements for petition circulators and political action committees that back petitions. The bills increase the number of signatures that must be gathered from 10% to 50% before the secretary of state refers the petition to the attorney general. CS/HB 7037 was amended to require the signature threshold for starting the referral process be met in half of the state's 29 Congressional districts. The amendment provides each county supervisor of elections an extra 30 days to verify any petitions submitted before December 1 of an odd-numbered year. The amendment removed requirements that required a group sponsoring an amendment to disclose the percentage of contributions received from in-state persons and required that a  percentage of contributions obtained from in-state donors must appear on the ballot. The amendment clarified that petitions gathered before the bill's effective date are governed by the law in effect when the petitions were gathered. (Cruz)