Florida League of Cities

Other Bills of Interest

SB 516 (Gruters) – Campaign Financing

HB 491 (Payne) – Disposition of Surplus Funds by Candidates

SB 1162 (Cruz) – Legislature

SB 1110 (Baxley) and HB 1325 (Aloupis)– Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement

SB 1108 (Baxley) – Campaign Finance

SB 1312 (Montford) and HB 1005 (Byrd) – Voting Systems

HB 1305 (Thompson) and SB 1806 (Stewart) – Elections

SB 1354 (Brandes) – Statewide Voter Registration Application

SB 1372 (Brandes) – Elections

SB 1816 (Powell) – Free and Fair Elections

HB 1159 (Hill) – Vote-by-Mail Ballots

SB 1820 (Rader) – Mail Ballot Elections

SB 1840 (Powell) – Election Security Measures