Florida League of Cities

Other Bill of Interest 

SB 23 (Gottlieb) and SB 70 (Book) – Panic Alarms in Public Schools

SB 94 (Book) – Transfer of Firearms

HB 451 (Good) – Weapons and Firearms

HB 37 (Zika) and SB 290 (Hooper) – School Bus Safety

HB 43 (Latvala) and SB 122 (Rouson) – Child Welfare

SB 210 (Thurston) – State Taxes and Fees

SB 266 (Farmer) – Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms

SB 270 (Farmer) – Sale and Delivery of Firearms

SB 304 (Cruz) and HB 1167 (Polsky) – School Safety Funding

SB 548 (Rodriguez) – Firearms 

HB 809 (Fernandez) – Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms

HB 839 (Daniels) – School District Police Chiefs

HB 6003 (Hill) – Firearms

SB 704 (Rouson) – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

HB 149 (Overdorf) – Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers

HB 797 (Thompson) and SB 212 (Thurston) – Medical Marijuana Retail Facilities

SB 1508 (Taddeo) and HB 1281(McGhee) – Police Vehicles

SB 736 (Diaz) and HB 747 (Williamson) – Coverage for Air Ambulance Services

HB 507 (Smith, D.) and SB 842 (Wright) – Injured Police Canines 

SB 320 (Stewart) – Emergency Medical Air Transportation Services

HB 245 (Polo) and SB 398 (Berman) – Concealed Weapons and Firearms

SB 1860 (Brandes) and HB 1389 (Smith, C.) – Availability for Marijuana for Adult Use

SB 7032 (Criminal Justice) and HB 7015 (Oversight, Transparency & Public Management) – Body Camera Recordings