Florida League of Cities

Environmental Protection (Support)

SB 1878 (Bradley) requires a minimum annual appropriation for Everglades restoration and the protection of water resources in the state and provides requirements for the allocation of such funding. Beginning fiscal year 2020-21 and every year thereafter, the bill specifies a minimum of $625 million for such purposes. The bill allocates this funding as follows: $300 million for Everglades restoration and the Everglades Agricultural Area reservoir project; $50 million to the South Florida Water Management District for aquifer storage and recovery wells; funding for springs restoration as provided in law; $40 million for alternative water supplies or water conservation; $15 million for watersheds of the St. Johns River, Suwannee River, and the Apalachicola River; $15 million for Indian River Lagoon projects; $10 million for coral reefs; $4 million for red tide research; and any remaining balance for water quality programs, alternative water supplies, algal bloom prevention and land acquisition pursuant to the Florida Forever program or Rural and Family Lands program. (O’Hara)